Spring Update Asparagus Valley Pottery Trail

patterned soup bowls Lucy Fagella
creamers Lucy Fagella

Springtime in western Massachusetts means it’s time for the Asparagus Valley Pottery Trail. This year it is postponed a little bit due to COVID and will be held outdoors in June.

The Pottery Trail is a much anticipated yearly event for the past 17 years! I have been a host potter since the Trail began as one of the founders of the event.

The Pottery Trail a self guided tour of 9 pottery studios (with invited guest potters). This year we will have 20 potters in all.

Our event will be held online beginning Friday June 11th at noon, and in-person Saturday and Sunday, June 12th-13th 10-5 both days.

I will have lots of new colorful pottery at my studio!

So mark your calendar and join us this year in the beautiful valley of western Massachusetts!

For all the info visit apotterttrail.com.

Mount Sugarloaf view Lucy Fagella

Online Pottery Lessons


What is a Pottery Seconds Sale